Jobs / Vacancies

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For more than 20 years, Brandl Talos has followed the strategy of specializing in selected practice areas. We do not see ourselves as pure legal experts, but as business lawyers who have a deep interest in our clients’ business – coupled with pragmatism, strategic vision and the ability to look beyond our paragraphs. These strengths, as well as our enthusiasm for our areas of expertise, have made us one of the leading law firms in Austria. As we want to continue to grow qualitatively, we also aim to develop our HR standards. Because excellent and highly motivated employees are our greatest asset!

Jobs / Vacancies

01 Initiativbewerbung

02 Rechtsanwaltsanwärter:in für die Bereiche Venture Capital & Start-ups | Corporate und M&A (Vollzeit)

03 Studentische Mitarbeiter:innen

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An attractive office space, state-of-the-art equipment and all technical assistance from legal tech tools are no extras at BT, but part of every day's successful work. We offer benefits that not only help you organize your workday, but also brighten it up!